How to Help Veterans Transition to Civilian Life

Whether you’re leaving to go back to school or starting a new career, there are many things that need to be taken into account. From changing your home of record to figuring out what coverage is available on Tricare, this can be a big task!

Luckily there are many resources that can help you through this transition. Here are some of them:

1. Find a Mentor

If you’re a veteran trying to find your way back into civilian life, the best way to get support is to get a mentor. Mentors can help you figure out what you want to do with your career, how to go about finding a job, and how to network and build relationships in the civilian workforce.

Civilian neighborhoods and workplaces aren’t as structured as military life, which can make it difficult for veterans to establish a routine and structure on their own. It’s also hard to relate to people who don’t understand your military experience.

Research shows that a variety of factors, including PTSD, can affect the readjustment to civilian life. The good news is that many of these factors can be treated with counseling or external treatment, which can ease the process. Here are some resources to consider:

2. Find a Support System

The military was a community, and that sense of camaraderie is something veterans may miss when returning home. Civilian neighborhoods and workplaces are unlikely to offer the same structure, but it’s important that veterans find a way to create community for themselves. Whether it’s by joining other veterans, or by finding an organization like the Soldiers’ Angels, VFW or American Legion that offers social activities, this will help combat isolation and emotional distress.

It’s also a good idea to connect with service members who have the same interests, as this can be helpful in reestablishing connections and friendships. Additionally, it’s important to seek mental health support and treatment if needed, as many veterans are struggling with PTSD or other mental health issues.

This can be challenging for a lot of veterans, especially since many fear how they’ll be perceived when seeking care. But it’s vital that they do, as this will make the transition process much easier for them.

3. Take Your Time

It’s important for veterans to realize that they may not immediately feel at home again in civilian life. Civilian neighborhoods and workplaces are unlikely to offer the same sense of community and camaraderie that military life does. However, it is possible to find reasonable substitutes — volunteering or coaching youth sports for example — that can help build a sense of purpose and community.

Additionally, veterans need to be patient with their career journey. It is unlikely that they will jump into a high-paying job or a lucrative business opportunity right away. Many will need to take a step back, work on their resume or interviewing skills, and then slowly start making progress in the direction of their goals.

Other factors that make it harder for veterans to transition include PTSD, gender, and race. It’s important for those who are struggling to seek out treatment or support. They should also speak up about their struggles with friends and family to avoid feeling isolated.

4. Don’t Let Yourself Get Overwhelmed

Getting overwhelmed is a common challenge for veterans as they transition from military to civilian life. This can happen for a number of reasons, including feeling like there are too many tasks to complete or that the amount of information they must absorb is too great.

Another issue that can contribute to feelings of overwhelm is a lack of structure or community. While the military provides a certain level of structure and camaraderie to its members, this isn’t always present in civilian life. This can lead to a sense of loneliness or disconnection from family and friends.

One of the best ways to help alleviate this problem is for veterans to begin planning their civilian lives as soon as possible. This can include getting their resume squared away, researching job fairs, utilizing their G.I. Bill benefits and even exploring their education options. To learn more, click here for a free PDF download of our Veteran Employment Transition Roadmap.
